Meer YG300 Review

Meer Mini Projector,Portable Movie Projector,Smart Home Projector

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As long as you give it a dark space, you will get good picture quality because many customers said that this Meer brand projector is only good for a dark environment because it has just 400 lumens brightness. I would say that this Meer projector is very good as a kid projector based on the specifications it carries. The kids are very happy with this projector. As mentioned above, it is only good for a dark room because the brightness of this projector is very low.

In case, the picture is not very visible, try placing the projector very close to the wall. I am saying this because some of the users got good picture quality by placing the projector closer to the wall. Please note that it may give you a big blur picture experience, you have to adjust the picture quality to get the desired picture quality. Some users said that they were not able to adjust the lens because the projector light is not very powerful because it is a small size projector. As per my research, only way to get good picture quality is using the projector in a dark space. Of course, the picture quality may not be very good! However, it would be good for the kids. Read more…

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