Towond 100 inch Outdoor Projector Screen Review

Towond 100 inch Outdoor Projector Screen Review

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The Towond projector screen looks good from all sides. Most users said that it was quite nice. The picture looks good from the both sides: front and rear. The package comes with instructions, which can be used for the setup but some users wished it would have detailed instructions. A user said that once the screen is assembled, it is a bit difficult to get it upright. So, as per this user, you may require two persons for an easy setup, because when you set one side, the other side falls down.

Of course, for the indoor purpose, it is a nice screen because you don’t have to setup it frequently because the indoor setup is the one-time setup. However, for the outdoor setup, the screen may get affected by the weather conditions like strong wind, rain and others. For the stability, you need to do some DIYs at the base of the screen, probably you need to add some weight at the base to make it stable. Read more…

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