Klipsch Reference 5.0 Home Theater System Review

Klipsch Reference 5.0 Home Theater System - Bundle with 2X Reference R-26FA Floorstanding Speaker, Reference R-25C Center Channel Speaker, 2X Reference R-41M Bookshelf Speaker

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A user said that it was a great system. However, he had some problems with the up-firing atmos. This user had installed this home theater system in his living room. The user suggested others to get it without the built-in Amos on the tower speakers and get separate height speakers you can hang. As per this user, the price is a bit high, so he suggested buying when it is on sale. Of course, this product is on sale sometimes, you need to check it time to time.

Many other users said that it was a great bundle. Some users said that you get Klipsch sound at a reasonable price. However, these users say that they are more of a beginner bundle. Of course, for the clear sound, these speakers are great. Please note that the tower speaker uses 2 channels on the receiver, so a 7-channel receiver is needed to get benefit from these speakers. As a side note, you are advised to check the price on the individual item. This way, you will be able to get them at cheaper prices. Read more…

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