Such TVs are great for elderly because the remote control is very simple for elderly. Also, the picture quality is great. The sound quality is also very good. And, the 32-inch size is perfect for most bedrooms. Most users said that this Impecca brand TV was a great TV because it works perfectly, has a wide range of connectivity options. Even you can use the Firestick too. More importantly, it has great color performance, sound performance and the picture quality is awesome. Also, it is lightweight enough.
For most users, they don’t have a problem adding a DVD player, cable box and other devices. Even you can use it for a bigger laptop monitor if you want. Of course, most customers are quite happy with the performance. On the downside, some users said that the whole TV is made of cheap plastic. So, they said that it has a poor build quality. Also, some users said that they were not able to get a code from Impecca to program the remote control with the dish network remote to turn the TV on or off. They complained about the customer service. I am writing these things because you should know if you are a future buyer of this TV. Read more…