Most of the users are very happy with the overall performance; they are blown away with its design, easy setup and various features. They are enjoying the great picture quality even without a projector screen. Of course, if you use a CLR screen, the picture quality will dramatically improve. Please know that this BenQ projector comes with a BenQ Smart TV dongle. This dongle has just Wi-Fi connectivity option, so it may not be supportive for high-bit rate media files as some users wrote in their reviews.
A user wrote a review after the one year of use, he said that the projector worked perfectly even after one year. However, please note that you will not be able to connect an Atmos sound system as this projector doesn’t support it. Also, some users wished that it had a 3D HDMI connector because it would make their life easier. But it was not a big issue for them. Read more…